This page is dedicated to those Israelite cults that were
formed to mis-guide our brothers and sisters into believing that the
places in the Bible are located in West Africa and South America.
The evidence shown below proves these cults teach LIES!

Source: "Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary", P.268
Zondervan Publishing House,1967

The same information, from a different source:

source: "Collins Atlas of the Bible"; Edited by James Prichard
Borders Press, 2003 ... p.50

Source: "Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary",
Zondervan Publishing House,1967
The same list, from a different source:

Source: "Collins Atlas of the Bible"; Edited by James Prichard
Borders Press, 2003 ... p.36
The Amarna Letters

Source: "Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary",
Zondervan Publishing House,1967
The Ramesses Factors

According to the Torah, Ramesses I and II reigned during
the height of our Israelite ancestors slavery in Egypt.
Thus, it would follow that wherever these Pharaohs ruled
would also be the place that the Israelites were slaves.
These images of Ramesses were all found in the land of Egypt,
in Northeast Africa... Not South America!!!

Hebrew captive, from the region of Sinai.
Part of a mural from the Funerary Temple of Ramesses III,
found at Medinet Habu.
The Saqqara Images

This map shows the location of Saqqara
(between Memphis and Giza), in Lower Egypt.
As you can see, Saqqara is no where near South America.
source: "Collins Atlas of the Bible"; Edited by James Prichard
Borders Press, 2003 ... p.39

From the tomb of the chief hairdresser, Ty, at Saqqara.
Hebrew slaves hunting hippopotami.

Close-up of Hebrew slave.

Hebrew slave hearding cattle.
Also from the tomb of Ty, the chief hairdresser, at Saqqara.

Close-up of Hebrew slave herding cattle.
As you may have noticed,the Egyptians most often
portrayed their Hebrew slaves naked. This was done
for two reasons. First, the Egyptians had absolutely NO respect
for their Hebrew slaves. And, secondly, they did not want
these Hebrew slaves in any way to be mistaken for Egyptians.
Egyptian sources: "Egypt - 400 Years of Art"; by Jaromir Malek
Phaidon Press Ltd., New York, NY
Granodiorite Statue of Ramesses II from Karnak ... p.225
Granite statue of Ramesses II at Luxor ... p.235
Ramessid Queen ... p.245
Hebrew captive from Sinai ... p.253
Hebrew slaves hunting hippopotami ... p.74
Hebrew slave herding cattle ... p.76

This clay tablet was found in the Middle East -
NOT in South America.
This tablet also proves that the Assyrians had no
knowledge of any lands west of the Atlantic Ocean.
Source: "Collins Atlas of the Bible";
Edited by James Prichard; Borders Press, 2003 ... p.93
The Philistines

The Holy Scriptures are full of references to the Philistines.
The map below shows the areas in which they lived.
As you can see, this also is a map of Middle Eastern lands.
So, if the Philistines lived in the Middle East, then the
Israelites must have also lived in the Middle East,because
we often fought these Philistines for this same land!

This map shows the land of the Philistines,
which is the same land of the Israelites.
Philistine source: "Collins Atlas of the Bible";
Edited by James Prichard; Borders Press, 2003
Philistine Captives ... p.66
Map of Philistine territory ... p.67
The Moabite Stone

The two panels below are translations of
the Moabite Stone text that relate to the Israelites
Source: "Collins Atlas of the Bible"; Edited by James Prichard
Borders Press, 2003 ... p.100

Some Moorish-Americans, along with certain Israelites,
teach that the ancient Moabites crossed the Atlantic Ocean,
and colonized America. They say the Moabites crossed on
"humpless camels", over dry land,"BEFORE THE FLOOD"!!!
The evidence shown above proves the ancient Moabites
dwelt in the Middle East. And it also lets us know
just how ignorent our people can be.
The Gezer Calendar

Below is an artist's rendering of this same tablet.

The relic shown above is a rare example of ancient Hebrew script.
It is a part of what is known as the Gezer Calendar.
Named after the city in which it was found, this highly
prized ancient clay artifact was written about 925 b.c.e.
Sources: (A) "Biblical Hebrew - Step by Step" (Vol.1 - Second Edition) by Menahem Mansoor
Baker Book House - Grand Rapids, Michigan - 1988, p.20
(B) "Collins Atlas of the Bible";
Edited by James Prichard; Borders Press, 2003 ... p.95
The Lachish Letters
These broken pieces of pottery shown below are known as the "Lachish Letter #4".

"Lachish Letter #4" was written during the time of the Babylonian invasion of Judah; approx. 588 b.c.e. Written in ancient Hebrew script, they contain correspondence between Lachish and it's military outpost. The writer used brush and ink to script this message on smooth clay, as opposed to using a sharp stylus on wet clay.
Source: "Biblical Hebrew - Step by Step" (Vol.1 - Second Edition)by Menahem Mansoor
Baker Book House - Grand Rapids, Michigan - 1988, p.32
King Hezekiah's Tunnel
One of King Hezekiah's greatest accomplishments was the
tunnel he had dug to bring water into the city of Jerusalem.
(ref. 2Kings 20:20 and 2Chron. 32:30)

The image below is the actual inscription found
on the wall of Hezekiah's tunnel.
The tunnel is still beneath the city of Jerusalem,
in the Middle East ... NOT South America!

Source: "Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary", P.793 & 794
Zondervan Publishing House,1967
Below is an artist's sketch of the actual inscription.

Source: "Collins Atlas of the Bible"; Edited by James Prichard
Borders Press, 2003 ... p.117

According to the Holy Scriptures, the Israelites paid tribute
to the Assyrians for many years (ref. 2Kings 17:3&4).
This Assyrian monument was found in the Middle East -
NOT West Africa, and NOT South America.
Image of King Jehu

Source: Zondervan's Pictorial Bible Dictionary,
Zondervan Publishing House, 1967 ... p.394
According to the Holy Scriptures, the Northern Kingdom of Israel was defeated by the Assyrians and relocated in various parts of the Assyrian empire (ref. 2Kings 15:29).

Map showing the deportation of Israel's northern Kingdom
Israelites impaled by the Assyrians.

Israelites being deported by the Assyrians.
Source: "Collins Atlas of the Bible"; Edited by James Prichard
Borders Press, 2003
Sargon head ... p.115
Deportation map ... p.115
Impaled Israelites ... p.122
Israelite deportees ... p.123
PAGE LAST UPDATED - March 1, 2007
Questions or comments?
E-mail: Aesh ben Ephraim